Once LIVE WEB TUTORS accelerated in this environment and started giving the quality solutions to the students in all over the world, there were millions of students attached with the LIVE WEB TUTORS who were 100% satisfied with the LIVE WEB TUTORS services and they have referred lots of students towards LIVE WEB TUTORS and they had made a chain that they will always refer the students to LIVE WEB TUTORS.
Though, LIVE WEB TUTORS has millions of satisfied students in all over the world, but there are few golden students attached with the LIVE WEB TUTORS who are highly satisfied with our services and referred almost thousands of students to us. When LIVE WEB TUTORS had seen that those students are coming to LIVE WEB TUTORS regularly and giving huge business to LIVE WEB TUTORS, Company had decided to make a BONANZA OFFER for those students who are coming to us regularly and giving lots of work. There are thousands of students who are coming for their solutions as well as they are working for LIVE WEB TUTORS as agent who is referring the students on our website, for those students we have made a very good earning scheme in which they are earning handsome amount monthly.

1. Group A Students: Who comes and submit their assignments and working as agent for LIVE WEB TUTORS and getting more students for the company and getting paid on monthly basis.
2. Group B Students: Who comes and submit their own assignments and fetch more students with them.
3. Group C Students: Who comes on the website and submit their assignments and appreciate the services as they gets the quality solutions within the deadline